Canada’s Ocean Supercluster announces $6.7M AROWIND Project

Written by Patricia Sestari

February 4, 2022


The Project

Today, Canada’s Ocean Supercluster announced five new projects with a total value of nearly $29 million, including the Autonomous Remote Offshore Wind Inspection, Navigation and Deployment (AROWIND) Project. This Ontario-led project will develop an uncrewed surface vessel (USV) based subsea inspection solution for offshore windfarms.

The AROWIND Project will provide a prevailing ocean sector concept that is autonomous and remotely operates subsea surveys. This ocean solution presents an opportunity for Canadian companies to commercialize a remote and autonomous inspection solution for offshore wind inspection that reduces vessel costs and number of personnel on-board.

With a total project value of nearly $6.7 million, the Ocean Supercluster (also known as OSC) will provide close to $3 million with the balance coming from project partners. For the project, Voyis is proud to partner with Canadian companies Deep Trekker and HydroSurv Unmanned Survey Inc., and international partners EVIA and Sonardyne.

Voyis’ Role

Voyis is leading the project and will provide overall project management and coordination, managing the collaboration between all partners. Voyis’s role will be developing the core optical sensor products and algorithms required for the solution, using its proven engineering experience in opto-mechanical sensor design, vehicle integration, and algorithm design.

The AROWIND project will rely on our compact Insight Laser Scanner and Imaging Systems for ROV horizontal inspection scopes. As well as Stereo camera and visual positioning payload, in partnership with EIVA, for ROV vertical inspection and navigation.

Our team is also enabling the project by developing Optical Payloads that will integrate with Saipem and Deep Trekker’s vehicle platforms.

Render of the AROWIND project, showing the ROV, with integrated Voyis Laser Scanner and Imagining System. Initial images of the 3D model of the offshore windfarm is shown. On the water surface the uncrewed surface vessel (USV) by HydroSurv.
Voyis Imagining System, mounted in the hybrid vehicle shown, will create a detailed 3D model of the inspected offshore windfarm.

This project will define a new standard for offshore windfarm inspection methodology using remote and resident deployment solutions. By consolidating this solution in Canada, diverse local supply chains will grow in tandem with the offshore wind market over the next decade, solidifying Canadian manufacturing jobs in a changing economic environment. This project expected to create 55 new direct jobs and an estimated 275 indirect jobs.

About OSC

Canada’s Ocean Supercluster is a pan-Canadian, industry-led transformative cluster focused on tackling some of the biggest challenges across ocean sectors through a collaborative program designed to accelerate the development and commercialization of globally relevant solutions, while also building a highly-capable, inclusive workforce. The Ocean Supercluster has approved projects with a total value of more than $320 million which will deliver more than 100 new made-in-Canada ocean products, processes, and services to sell to the world.

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